Mult-IP 3.11.2 R4775 *** Changelog November 9th 2015 *** Contents: A. PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT B. TARGET COMPONENTS C. NEW FIXES AND IMPROVMENTS DESCRIPTION D. FIXES FROM PREVIOUS REVISIONS E. APPLYING FIX A. PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT: This document describes minor corrections made to the Mult-IP product in-between incremental versions. Please take a minute to review this document before handling the enclosed file. It informs you of the software behavior being addressed along with a brief description of the supplied fix. Instructions on how to apply the fix to an existing installation is provided as well. B. TARGET COMPONENTS Below is a list of Mult-IP system components impacted by the released fix with corresponding file(s). Mult-IP Gateway software filenames: GatewaySetup64.exe ConsoleSetup64.exe ConsoleSetup32.exe Mult-IP Client software filenames: ClientSetup64.exe ClientSetup32.exe C. NEW FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION Mult-IP 3.11.2 R4775, November 9th 2015 ** Improvements * An Events node is now available from the root pane. The Events node collects short-term data information about driver status and license status. * New driver property "Status" now available for UDP drivers. The property gives detailed information on driver's binding status. * [MIP-1325] CAS-06994-B1G4V4 It is now possible to enable/disable the IP Forwarding feature via a Group policy. * Support of Mult-IP Client running on Windows 10 x86, Windows 10 x64 and Windows Server 2012R2 Operating Systems. * Support of Mult-IP Management Console running on Windows 10 x86, and Windows 10 x64 Operating Systems. ** Fixed Issues * [MIP-36] - CAS-06109-C6H1F5 SplitTunnelling specific route not removed from XML - Specific route entries are now deleted before new entries are saved in XML * [MIP-1369] - CAS-07044-F5H9K6 Issues with authentication - On the gateway side, the Wired Autoconfig service is not restarted anymore when an authentication request is processed * [MIP-1379] - CAS-07052-D5N5H3 High memory usage and threads - An incorrect or inexistent IP Address in ripinstancessettings configuration file was causing the leak. Fixed and not occurring anymore. * [MIP-1388] - CAS-07061-P9S1D2 Mult-IP clients are in quarantine and group policies are lost after Master GW reboot - The LZ4 decompression function was not working as expected and caused the problem. The LZ4 library was updated to the latest version and the issue was fixed. * [MIP-1349] - Multicast sender does not recover after a link outage between the GWs - A timer was added to force a reset of the listening and sending multicast sockets. * [MIP-1066] - MIP services lose their credential settings after an upgrade - Credential settings are preserved during the upgrade and not overwritten anymore. * [MIP-1409], [MIP-412], [MIP-1415] - Authentication Provider Configs not correctly propagated between GTWs - Fixed a timing problem causing misbehaviours. ** Known Issues * [MIP-1407] - Gateway performance affected by a disabled driver on gateway side - When a communication driver on the gateway side is disabled and traffic needs to be sent to a client, the MultIPGateway process consumes too much CPU resources which could affect the system performance. When the driver is re-enabled, the problem self fixes. Workaround: 1.Do not disable a gateway driver. 2.If absolutely required, plan for a short period, monitor CPU level and re-enable before reaching 70% of CPU usage. * [MIP-1475] - MIP client not functional after upgrading OS to Windows10 (missing vnic) - After OS upgrade to Win10 the client is not functional anymore. The client service fails to start. VNIC is missing, not installed any more. Workaround: 1.Install VNIC manually using driver files from %INSTALLDIR%\Mult-IP\mult-ip. 2.Restart client service, if necessary. D. FIXES INCLUDED FROM PREVIOUS REVISIONS Mult-IP 3.11.1 R4647, August 28th 2015 ** Improvements * [MIP-1321] - Protocol improvement for OpenSky modem notifications to provide stronger and faster out-of-coverage detection when modems offer this capability; * [MIP-1347] - Provide a way to test network multicast capability before upgrade to 3.11.0; * [MIP-99] - Ability to configure SERVERTIMEOUT value from group policies. This parameter controls mobile switch-over procedure when a registration is refused or not possible on a target gateway; ** Fixed Issues * [MIP-1352] - Pre-update DCHP reservation is broken; - The last 3 bytes of existing MAC addresses are now preserved upon update, allowing for predictable post-upgrade MAC addresses to be assigned to mobile. * [MIP-1343] - IPDriver bind/unbind is not dynamically done when IP/Interface is added or removed; - The Master IP was not always rebound correctly upon a master failover which cause a add/remove of IP. - The drivers now rebind properly whenever the Master IP is added to a gateway. * [MIP-1358] - Client crash when receiving packets during reset connection procedure; * [MIP-1322] - Gateway crash in module POMProxyRCF; - Fixed a rare racing condition potentially causing crashes. E. APPLYING FIX 1. Upgrade pre-3.11.0 systems by applying the same upgrade procedure as for 3.11.0 (that means no inter-gateways compatibility). See steps to follow in "Mult-IP 3 11 0 - Upgrade Procedure (Load balancing)". 2. Upgrade 3.11.0 systems to the latest version following the standard upgrade procedure (full compatibility inter-gateways).